[Rt-devel] Postgres performance issues and some "odd" ways to get IDs...

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Aug 14 12:30:14 EDT 2006

On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 01:24:30AM +1000, Matthew Sullivan wrote:
> Hey All,
> the only slow queries... needless to say I was surprised when I saw what 
> it was doing (eg: SELECT id from Transactions where oid = <blah>;) ... 
> further inspection lead me to DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg::Insert() 
> ... and the following:

Why don't you try upgrading DBIx::SearchBuilder:

> sub Insert {
>    my $sql = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE oid = ?";
>    my @row = $self->FetchResult($sql, $oid);
>    # TODO: Propagate Class::ReturnValue up here.
> Comments/flames welcome...
> Regards,
> Mat
> PS: It's 1:15am here after 6 hours of database performance debugging, 
> apologies if the above offends, it is not meant to.

But maybe only after you get a bit of rest. Best luck. Please tell us if
this helps.


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