[Rt-devel] Postgres performance issues and some "odd" ways to get IDs...

Joby Walker joby at u.washington.edu
Mon Aug 14 13:38:26 EDT 2006

Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 10:03:36AM -0700, Joby Walker wrote:
>> Jesse,
>> The new behavior seems very broken:
>> 1) Insert row (sequence nextval returns x)
>> 2) get current value of sequence (returns x)
>> As far as I can see SearchBuilder doesn't wrap a transaction around the 
>> Insert sub so you could end up with unpredictable results:
> No, you can't, even without explicit BEGIN;  . . . COMMIT;  Please
> see the Postgres docs on nextval() an currval().  But the basic thing
> is that currval() is private to _your connection_, not to your
> transaction.
> A

Your absolutely right.  Thanks for correcting me!  Looks like currval is 
safer than I thought...

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