[Rt-devel] PATCH DBIx::SearchBuilder

Todd Chapman todd at chaka.net
Tue Aug 15 23:25:07 EDT 2006

On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 11:11:43PM -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> Ok. Now that I understand what it's doing, the patch makes me twitch.  
> This is making an already complex API really intensely painful and  
> magical. Magic variable values just don't belong there.  A more  
> reasonable solution might be allowing you to call NewAlias ahead of  
> time, get the second Alias, pass it in as ALIAS2 and have the right  
> things happen to the query.

I agree that that would be a better solution. On the
solution/time curve I chose one that fit within my
time constraints while still providing some tests
and other clean-up. If it's unacceptable I'll try to
better when $available > $time.

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