[Rt-devel] Scrip ordering now enforced

Kevin Riggle kevinr at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 1 22:49:30 EST 2006

I just checked code for RT 3.5 into Subversion today which enforces 
ordering alphanumerically by description on the scrips you run.  What 
this means is that you can now prepend a number (00, 07, 14, 25) to the 
beginning of the description you give each scrip, and they will always 
run in that order.  It's not a huge change, but it should make life
easier for people -- thanks to Joby Walker for the suggestion.  It
should end up part of RT 3.5.8.

- Kevin
  Kevin Riggle <kevinr at bestpractical.com>
  Best Practical Solutions, LLC

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