[Rt-devel] A different customfield search bug
Ben Goodwin
ben at atomicmatrix.net
Tue Feb 14 08:25:45 EST 2006
I've been following the SVN repo for some time now and a few weeks ago a
user of mine reported she was unable to search data in a custom field.
Indeed, (global) customfield searching is completely broken (I just svn
update'd and it's still broken). The attached code.txt returns no rows,
though I guarantee there are thousands of matches. The resulting MySQL
query is attached as well.
It's looking like the (ObjectCustomFields_1.ObjectId = main.Queue) is
problematic for global custom fields as the ObjectId is 0 in this case.
Indeed, if I search for data in a customfield that's attached to a
specific queue, it works well.
-=| Ben
-------------- next part --------------
SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM (((Tickets main LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFields ObjectCustomFields_1 ON ( ObjectCustomFields_1.ObjectId = main.Queue)) LEFT JOIN CustomFields CustomFields_2 ON ( CustomFields_2.id = ObjectCustomFields_1.CustomField)) LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ObjectCustomFieldValues_3 ON ((ObjectCustomFieldValues_3.ObjectId = main.id)) AND( ObjectCustomFieldValues_3.CustomField = CustomFields_2.id) AND( (ObjectCustomFieldValues_3.Disabled = '0')) AND( (ObjectCustomFieldValues_3.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket'))) WHERE ((CustomFields_2.name = 'Customer')) AND ((main.EffectiveId = main.id)) AND ((main.Status != 'deleted')) AND ((main.Type = 'ticket')) AND ( ( (ObjectCustomFieldValues_3.Content = 'PHS') ) )
-------------- next part --------------
my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser);
$tickets->FromSQL ( q[CF.{Customer} = "PHS"] );
while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
print $Ticket->id . " " . $Ticket->Subject . "\n";
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