[Rt-devel] PATCH: Select One Value CFs give misleading error in 3.6rc3

Philip Kime pkime at Shopzilla.com
Thu Jun 8 13:34:59 EDT 2006

When you change the value of a "Select One Value" Custom Field, you get
the messages:
    * CFNAME A changed to B
    * Custom field value A could not be found for custom field CFNAME 
The second message is odd and misleading. The CF value is changed
anyway. Thanks to Eric Shultz for this - I just verified it in 3.6rc3
and generated a patch.
*** /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm 2006-02-21 13:23:06.000000000
--- Web_Local.pm 2006-06-08 10:47:39.900398608 -0700
*** 1230,1235 ****
--- 1230,1237 ----
                          my $cf_values =
                          my %values_hash;
+                         my @addcfresults = ();
                          foreach my $value (@values) {
                              next unless length($value);
*** 1242,1260 ****
                                      Value => $value
                                  push ( @results, $msg );
!                         while ( my $cf_value = $cf_values->Next ) {
!                             unless ( $values_hash{ $cf_value->Content
} == 1 ) {
                                  my ( $val, $msg ) =
                                      Field => $cf,
                                      Value => $cf_value->Content
                                  push ( @results, $msg);
!                             }
!                         }
                      elsif ( $arg =~ /-Values$/ ) {
                          my $cf_values =
--- 1244,1265 ----
                                      Value => $value
                                  push ( @results, $msg );
+                                 push( @addcfresults, $msg );
!                         if (!@addcfresults or
!$CustomFieldObj->MaxValues ) {
!                           while ( my $cf_value = $cf_values->Next ) {
!                               unless ( $values_hash{
$cf_value->Content } == 1 ) {
                                  my ( $val, $msg ) =
                                      Field => $cf,
                                      Value => $cf_value->Content
                                  push ( @results, $msg);
!                               }
!                           }
!                       }
                      elsif ( $arg =~ /-Values$/ ) {
                          my $cf_values =

Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407
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