[Rt-devel] Extraneous '<br>' in CustomField value

Ruslan Zakirov ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 20:01:49 EDT 2006

On 6/23/06, Yan Fitterer <yan.fitterer at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've made a small mod to Elements/MyTickets (and Elements/MyRequests),
>  to show a column with a custom field (CustomFiels.{Client}). Next, I
> have made the field a hyperlink, which runs a search on all open and
> new  tickets that match that client.
> The problem: When I include in the href __CustomField.{Client}__, the
> value that is being inserted in the URL is appended with '<br>', which
>  of course makes the query useless.
> I've tracked the extra tag to Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap, line 86
> (in  the latest devel snapshot). Commenting out the line resolves my
> issue,  but I have no idea if this is breaking anything else.
We add <br /> there to separate several values of a field. You know
filed may have several values. I agree that code could be smarter.

> Could somebody enlighten me?
You can made the same thing in different way. Add callback that put
into COLUMN_MAP code for the 'Client' custom field. If you look closer
into Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap you could see that if $COLUMN_MAP
hash has two entries with key "CustomField.{Client}" and "CF.{Client}"
then RT never run line 86, but uses these entries to display values of
the CF.

Fill this entries with hash reference:
  attribute => undef,
  title => 'Client',
  value => sub {
                my $values = $_[0]->CustomFieldValues($field);
                return \join ',', map {
                    '<a href="your_href">'. $_->Content .'</a>'
                  } @{ $values->ItemsArrayRef };

> RT 3.4.2-4 on Debian Sarge
> Thanks
> Yan
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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