[Rt-devel] multiple primary keys?

Josh England jjengla at sandia.gov
Wed Jun 28 19:09:39 EDT 2006


I'm trying to make an RTx::EventTracker package similar to the
AssetTracker integration.  The thing is, in trying to make this
lightweight I'd like to move away from using 'id' as a primary key in my
events table.  Instead I'd like to use two primary keys, timestamp and

DBIx::SearchBuilder doesn't seem to support multiple primary keys...it
complains when I try to run anything that calls _DoSearch().  However,
there is a function called LoadByPrimaryKeys (not used anywhere in RT)
that claims basic support for 'compound' primary keys, whatever those
are.  Is there a way to use SearchBuilder with multiple primary keys or
do I have to bite the bullet and add a seemingly useless 'id' field to
my database table?


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