[Rt-devel] PATCH: submission of '0' via REST interface

David Schweikert dws at ee.ethz.ch
Tue May 2 06:32:14 EDT 2006

Hi Kevin,

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 15:45:25 -0400, Kevin Riggle wrote:
> I'm afraid I can't replicate your bug -- I can set fields like Priority
> and TimeWorked to non-zero values and then to zero without any problems.
> Could you give me a test case I can add to the test suite?

I don't have a environment to run the test suite, so it is for me difficult to
write a test case... This is what I see from the command-line without my patch:

$ rt-3.6.0pre1 edit ticket/35072 set priority=1
# Ticket 35072 updated.
$ rt-3.6.0pre1 edit ticket/35072 set priority=0
# Priority: Priority could not be set to .
# Ticket 35072 updated.

id: ticket/35072

Does this help?

David Schweikert        | phone: +41 44 632 7019
System manager ISG.EE   | walk:  ETH Zentrum, ETL F24.1
ETH Zurich, Switzerland | web:   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/dws

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