[Rt-devel] Have RTx::Shredder, don't want dump file!

G. Matthew Rice matt at starnix.com
Tue Nov 21 18:50:41 EST 2006

Alex Meyer <apmeyer at doit.wisc.edu> writes:
> I know this is a terrible idea but I need to disable the dump file
> RTx::Shredder normally makes. Our server is out of space and I need  to shred
> tickets but don't have enough space to have a dump file. Any  ideas?

Can you write to stdout, /dev/stdout or something like that and then redirect
it to /dev/null or, better, 'ssh host_with_disk_space cat \>dump_file'?

g. matthew rice <matt at starnix.com>           starnix, toronto, ontario, ca
phone: 647.722.5301 x242                                  gpg id: EF9AAD20
http://www.starnix.com              professional linux services & products

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