[Rt-devel] Custom Ticket Creation Form

Andrew Dougherty andrewd at onshore.com
Fri Oct 6 15:57:29 EDT 2006

Great, thanks to both of you, I will use this approach, it's consistent 
with my current one and I see the path.


Andrew Dougherty
Network Operations and Security Engineer
onShore Networks, LLC
(312)850-5200 ext. 146

On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, Jeff Albert wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> Rather than trying to modify RT itself, we just built an external web form 
> that collected the data and crunched it all into custom headers attached to 
> an e-mail message sent to RT; we then used an onCreate scrip in RT to handle 
> the incoming messages, parse out the useful information, and modify the 
> ticket as it was being created. We used custom fields to store the data, but 
> you wouldn't have to. By using the external form, we avoided having to deal 
> with merging custom code in RT with new releases any time we wanted to 
> upgrade. Hope that's helpful.
> Cheers,
> Jeff Albert
> Andrew Dougherty wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     After many attempts at trial and error and after a moderate
>> amount of web research, including downloading and searching all of the
>> mailinglists, I feel compelled to ask this question of the
>> mailinglist.
>>     I am trying to create a custom ticket creation form, by
>> forking Create.html.  I do not want Custom Fields, just to add the
>> extra INPUTs to the Content input that becomes the first comment.
>>     As I don't know the "sequence diagrams" for RT, I have been
>> unable to find a way to make this change (theoretically impossible)
>> within the Create.html file, nor find where the Ticket is being
>> created (and the form processed), and thus make the change there.
>>     I am not sure that this is even the correct mechanism for
>> making a custom form of this type.  I did read through the "RT
>> Essentials" but did not really see a way to do this.
>>     All I really need is someone to acknowledge which bearing the
>> solution lies on.  For instance, can I simply create a Scrip that
>> takes care of the post processing and test on the existence of the
>> extra INPUTs?
>>     Any assistance would be very appreciated.
>> Sincerely,
>> Andrew Dougherty
>>     Here are the extra INPUTs
>>     <!-- BEGIN NONSENSE -->
>>     % foreach my $field ("Username","Unit","Phone Number") {
>>     <TR>
>>     <TD class=label>
>>     <&|/l&><%$field%></&>:
>>     </TD>
>>     <TD class=value COLSPAN=5>
>>     <INPUT Name="<%$field%>" SIZE=15 MAXSIZE=100 value="<%$ARGS{$field} || 
>> ''%>"><BR>
>>     </TD>
>>     </TR>
>>     % }
>>     <TR>
>>     <TD class=label>
>>     <&|/l&>Issue Type</&>:
>>     </TD>
>>     <TD class=value>
>>     <SELECT NAME="Issue Type">
>>     % foreach my $problem ("Speed Problems","VOIP 
>> Problems","Connectivity","Service Outage","Other") {
>>     <OPTION "<%$problem%>"><%$problem%>
>>     % }
>>     </SELECT>
>>     </TD>
>>     </TR>
>>     <TR>
>>     <TD class=label>
>>     <&|/l&>Severity</&>:
>>     </TD>
>>     <TD class=value>
>>     <SELECT NAME="Severity">
>>     % foreach my $severity (1..5) {
>>     <OPTION "<%$severity%>"><%$severity%>
>>     % }
>>     </SELECT>
>>     </TD>
>>     </TR>
>>     <TR>
>>     <TD class=label>
>>     <&|/l&>Building</&>:
>>     </TD>
>>     <TD class=value>
>>     <SELECT NAME="Building">
>>     % foreach my $building ("blah","blah","blah") {
>>     <OPTION "<%$building%>"><%$building%>
>>     % }
>>     </SELECT>
>>     </TD>
>>     </TR>
>>     <!-- END NONSENSE -->
>> I then wish to have all the values for the INPUTs added into the value
>> for the Content.
>> i.e. theoretically:
>>     $ARGS{Content} = join("\n",map "$_: $ARGS{$_}",
>>         ("Username","Unit","Phone Number","Issue Type",
>>         "Severity","Building","Content"))."\n\n\n";
>> Andrew Dougherty
>> Network Operations and Security Engineer
>> onShore Networks, LLC
>> (312)850-5200 ext. 146
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