[Rt-devel] Saved Searches

Peer Michael Michael.Peer at eurac.edu
Sun Oct 29 07:36:22 EST 2006

I've seen, that in rt-3.4.5, every user, who will create, update or
delete SavedSearch, must have the right 'ModifySelf'. The following
diff, fixes this problem.
--- /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Attribute_Overlay.pm        2005-02-01
15:20:40.000000000 +0100
+++ /opt/rt3/local/lib/RT/Attribute_Overlay.pm  2006-10-29
12:53:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -72,14 +72,24 @@
 # There are a number of attributes that users should be able to modify
for themselves, such as saved searches
 #  we could do this with a different set of "modify" rights, but that
gets very hacky very fast. this is even faster and even
 # hackier. we're hardcoding that a different set of rights are needed
for attributes on oneself
-    SavedSearch => { create => 'ModifySelf',
-                     update => 'ModifySelf',
-                     delete => 'ModifySelf',
-                     display => 'allow' },
+    SavedSearch => { create => 'CreateSavedSearch',
+                     update => 'EditSavedSearches',
+                     delete => 'EditSavedSearches',
+                     display => 'LoadSavedSearch' },
Now my question: is there a specific reason, why users must have
ModifySelf-Rights when they want to create SavedSearches?
Michael Peer
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