[Rt-devel] Upgrade / Port to Oracle

Joop JoopvandeWege at mococo.nl
Wed Dec 5 03:53:37 EST 2007

Jim Adcock wrote:
> Hi,  I wonder if anyone on this list can point me in the right direction 
> for what I’m about to try:
> 1.       Port our RT onto a new piece of hardware
> 2.       Upgrade our RT to the latest greatest stable version
> 3.       Port our Mysql version to Oracle
Biggest problem is going to be the fact that Oracle isn't 'binary safe' 
and mysql is. You'll need to convert all binary attachments to base64 
and update the database table attachments accordingly.
I don't know whether for example Oracle SQL Developer can do this. It 
has a migration wizard for going from MySQL to Oracle and if you can 
combine this with an on insert trigger you might accomplish the 
conversion on the fly.

This topic has come up a few times in the last 6 month, also search the 
user list.

If you need further help, let me know,


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