[Rt-devel] hooking into user creation

Nicholas Clark nick at ccl4.org
Tue Jul 17 16:04:19 EDT 2007

On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 10:43:37AM -0700, Joby Walker wrote:
> Nicholas Clark wrote:

> > That's somewhat icky too, as I'm also relying on the value of the custom
> > field in quite a few other places to identify the company that the user
> > belongs to. (And get back to the group). So really both need to be set.
> > 
> > Nicholas Clark
> In our experience it is easier to just add columns to the User and or
> Group tables than use Custom Fields.  It is *FAR* cleaner and faster.

That would require me to start tweaking parts of the UI to allow editing.
So far using Custom Fields appears to be giving adequate performance, and
for what I'm doing feels cleaner than changing lib/RT/User.pm etc

And I still don't think that it would solve this problem, as I would still
need to find a way to add a trigger on user creation that adds them to a
group, as I wish to continue using RT's standard ACL system for controlling
ticket visibility.

Nicholas Clark

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