[Rt-devel] Re: logo change

Joseph Spenner joseph85750 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 1 12:46:00 EDT 2007

--- Brandi L <maristbrandi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've followed your directions but I'm still having a
> funny problem and I'm
> wondering if you saw something similar. When I do
> Set( $LogoImageURL, $WebImagesURL . "
> foxylogo.gif");
> the image won't display. I'm positive that the image
> name is correct. But,
> when I do
> Set( $LogoImageURL, $WebImagesURL . " bplogo.gif");
> it works just fine.
> Any suggestions?
> -Brandi L

Try to right click on the 'broken link image', and see
what the URL is that it is trying to get.  That might
give you some idea where it is looking and failing.

Also, you could be experiencing an image cache
somewhere.  Try to SHIFT reload the image.

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