[Rt-devel] RT and Attachments

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Jun 13 04:12:50 EDT 2007

Jeff, as you're writing to devel list you should know how to report
things in the right way.
We need to know versions of perl, RT, apache, FCGI/MP and DB at least.
We also need to know each your step after server restart. So you have
to stop the server, turn on debug log, prune logs or at least know
where it ends at this point, then start the server, reproduce the
problem and send us the log and shiny report.

On 6/12/07, Jeff Stark <JStark at sumtotalsystems.com> wrote:
> Hello, it seems that attachments are killing our system, even if they are
> not being accessed.
> Is that the attachments (standard and custom field) are returned on every
> query of a ticket?
> Every ticket that has an attachment greater than (roughly) 6MB is causing
> our system to hand and I must then clear the mason obj cache and restart
> httpd.
> Is this because the attachments are stored in the database and not published
> to the file system in some fashion?
> Has anyone possibly created some performance patches for attachments or
> created a patch that copies the files to the file system instead?
> Thanks,
> - Stark
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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