[Rt-devel] rt-crontool template suggestions

Andy Werner Andy.Werner at amxinc.com
Mon Apr 28 11:53:11 EDT 2008

I have been working on getting RT::Action::RecordComment to work in a cron job for a while.  It seems to me that any action that doesn't require a template will work fine, but when I try to use an action that requires a template, it doesn't work.  I think that there is something in my template that isn't right.  I am not using a scrip with this cronjob.  If I need to use a scrip, please let me know with an example if possible.
Here's my cronjob:

./rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg "id = '1406'" --action RT::Action::RecordComment --template-id 4 -verbose

Here is my template:

RT-Send-Cc: andy.werner at amxinc.com

Subject: {$Ticket->id} test.

The ticket {$Ticket->id} is only being used for testing.


RT Admin

Andy Werner
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