[Rt-devel] rt 3.8.1 compatibility with Centos 5.2

Janet Houser jhouser at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Aug 27 18:21:27 EDT 2008

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the quick response.
>> [root at rt rt-3.8.1]# make testdeps
>> /usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-mysql
>> --with-fastcgi
> This uses /usr/bin/perl, can you confirm that when you do
> perl -MCPAN you're also using /usr/bin/perl?
> It sounds like you have two copies of perl installed, one with
> the extra modules RT wants and the default system one
> that doesn't have all of RT's dependencies.
> -kevin

I put /usr/bin in the front of my path yesterday because unfortunately I 
installed perl 5.10.0 for
another application, and after two hours of debugging I figured out perl 
was defaulting to the /usr/local/bin
5.10 version.   If I do a "which perl", it gives me the one in /usr/bin 
which is

[root at rt rt-3.8.1]# which perl

[root at rt rt-3.8.1]# perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

I ran the MCPAN command again:

[root at rt rt-3.8.1]# /usr/bin/perl  -MCPAN -e'install "DBIx::SearchBuilder"'
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:02:51 GMT
DBIx::SearchBuilder is up to date.

bummer.  i'm thinking my perl versions are stepping on each other.  i'll see
if I can uninstall 5.10 or, if I want to live on the edge, re-build and 
install it
in /usr/bin and see what I break.

Thanks for the help.



>> perl:
>>> =5.8.3(5.8.8)...found
>> users:
>>        rt group (rt)...found
>>        bin owner (root)...found
>>        libs owner (root)...found
>>        libs group (bin)...found
>>        web owner (rt)...found
>>        web group (rt)...found
>> CLI dependencies:
>>        Term::ReadKey...MISSING
>>        Getopt::Long >= 2.24...found
>>        HTTP::Request::Common...found
>>        Term::ReadLine...found
>>        Text::ParseWords...found
>>        LWP...found
>> CORE dependencies:
>>        Class::ReturnValue >= 0.40...found
>>        Text::Quoted >= 2.02...found
>>        CSS::Squish >= 0.06...found
>>        Encode >= 2.13...found
>>        Module::Versions::Report >= 1.05...found
>>        MIME::Entity >= 5.425...found
>>        DBI >= 1.37...MISSING
>>        Locale::Maketext::Lexicon >= 0.32...found
>>        Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19...found
>>        Digest::base...found
>>        Time::ParseDate...found
>>        File::Temp >= 0.18...found
>>        Locale::Maketext >= 1.06...found
>>        Tree::Simple >= 1.04...found
>>        Text::Template...found
>>        Scalar::Util...found
>>        HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08...MISSING
>>        File::Spec >= 0.8...found
>>        Calendar::Simple...found
>>        DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.54...MISSING
>>        Mail::Mailer >= 1.57...found
>>        File::ShareDir...found
>>        Regexp::Common...found
>>        Digest::MD5 >= 2.27...found
>>        HTML::Entities...found
>>        Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry...found
>>        File::Glob...found
>>        Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy...found
>>        Time::HiRes...found
>>        Text::Wrapper...found
>>        Log::Dispatch >= 2.0...found
>>        UNIVERSAL::require...found
>>        Email::Address...found
>> DASHBOARDS dependencies:
>>        HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.02...found
>>        MIME::Types...found
>> FASTCGI dependencies:
>>        CGI::Fast...MISSING
>>        CGI >= 3.38...found
>>        FCGI...found
>> GD dependencies:
>>        GD::Text...MISSING
>>        GD...found
>>        GD::Graph...found
>> GPG dependencies:
>>        PerlIO::eol...MISSING
>>        GnuPG::Interface...MISSING
>> ICAL dependencies:
>>        Data::ICal...found
>> MAILGATE dependencies:
>>        Pod::Usage...found
>>        HTML::TreeBuilder...found
>>        Getopt::Long...found
>>        HTML::FormatText...found
>>        LWP::UserAgent...found
>> MASON dependencies:
>>        Storable >= 2.08...found
>>        CSS::Squish >= 0.06...found
>>        Apache::Session >= 1.53...found
>>        Errno...found
>>        Devel::StackTrace >= 1.19...found
>>        CGI::Cookie >= 1.20...found
>>        Text::WikiFormat >= 0.76...found
>>        XML::RSS >= 1.05...MISSING
>>        HTML::Mason >= 1.36...found
>>        Digest::MD5 >= 2.27...found
>> MYSQL dependencies:
>>        DBD::mysql >= 2.1018...MISSING
>> SMTP dependencies:
>>        Net::SMTP...found
>> STANDALONE dependencies:
>>        Net::Server::PreFork...found
>>        Net::Server...found
>>        HTTP::Server::Simple >= 0.34...found
>>        HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason >= 0.09...found
>> CLI missing dependencies:
>>        Term::ReadKey...MISSING
>> GPG missing dependencies:
>>        PerlIO::eol...MISSING
>>        GnuPG::Interface...MISSING
>> GD missing dependencies:
>>        GD::Text...MISSING
>> CORE missing dependencies:
>>        HTML::Scrubber >= 0.08...MISSING
>>        DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.54...MISSING
>>        DBI >= 1.37...MISSING
>> FASTCGI missing dependencies:
>>        CGI::Fast...MISSING
>> MASON missing dependencies:
>>        XML::RSS >= 1.05...MISSING
>> MYSQL missing dependencies:
>>        DBD::mysql >= 2.1018...MISSING
>> make: *** [testdeps] Error 1
>> However, if I look at my system, many of these are already installed  
>> but
>> at a higher version.
>> For example:
>> [root at rt rt-3.8.1]# perl -MCPAN -e'install "DBIx::SearchBuilder"'
>> CPAN: Storable loaded ok
>> Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
>>  Database was generated on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:02:51 GMT
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder is up to date.
>> but the make testdeps says:
>>       DBIx::SearchBuilder >= 1.54...MISSING
>> Does rt 3.8.1 work with Centos5?  If it does, I'm thinking something
>> went funky
>> during the "upgrade" process since I see some rpms with a fc6.i386
>> extension.
>> I've tried running make fixdeps and re-getting all the CPAN stuff  
>> but so
>> far no luck.
>> Any suggestions so that I don't have to wipe the whole system and  
>> start
>> from scratch
>> would be appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Janet
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>> List info: http://lists.bestpractical.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rt-devel
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