[Rt-devel] a fancy ShowUser - not quite possible

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 1 12:51:13 EDT 2008

On Jul 1, 2008, at 6:57 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:

> D) You can use the Mason request object to figure out where you were
> called from and then "do the right thing."

I'd support a flag to ShowUser which says "you're being used somewhere  
html isn't acceptable"

It needs a better name than that.

> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Olly Stephens  
> <Olly.Stephens at arm.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've implemented a local fancier version of "Elements/ 
>> ShowUserVerbose" -
>> one that shows the username but then has a tooltip attached to it  
>> that
>> shows more info about the user when you hover over it.
>> This worked fine initially but then I noticed a problem - the  
>> "ShowUser"
>> element is used in multiple contexts.  For example, it's also used in
>> Elements/SelectUsers to generate the options in a multiple select.   
>> In
>> this situation I just want a simple name and my override mucks things
>> up.
>> I can think of two solutions to this so I thought I'd canvas people  
>> as
>> to which would be the more likely to be adopted upstream if I  
>> provided a
>> patch:
>> A) Introduce a "ShowUserFancy" element which is used in cases where
>> there is opportunity to enhance the HTML produced but who's default
>> action is just to drop through to ShowUser  (ie gives me a more  
>> specific
>> hook to override)
>> B) Add a "Context" parameter to the ShowUser calls so that I can  
>> tell if
>> it's in the plain page or in a form element etc.  (ie gives me the
>> necessary info in my override to make a formatting decision)
>> C) Abandon my attempt to do fancy things :-)
>> Which would people prefer?
>> Any whilst I'm on the subject, I noticed a few places where a  
>> username
>> was rendered directly rather than through ShowUser; the most  
>> obvious of
>> these is in the title part of each transaction of a ticket;  is there
>> any reason why this shouldn't go through the component too?  It's  
>> one of
>> the places I'd like to hook my fancy popup into.
>> Thanks,
>> Olly
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