[Rt-devel] [ANNOUNCE] rtconsole / REST issue

Jeff Voskamp jeff at voskamp.ca
Wed Mar 26 14:28:43 EDT 2008

Jesse Vincent wrote:
>> We have an issue with the REST API : afaik it's not possible to get the
>> list of queues available on a RT server.
> Hm.  Indeed this doesn't seem to be possible via the REST API. I'd love
> a patch to make it possible. (For any/all object types)
> The right answer is definitely NOT to grab and parse the output of 
> /Elements/SelectQueue
    rt show -t queues 1-100 |egrep Name|egrep -v " \$"|awk '{print $2}'

gives a list of the queue names on the system. change the 100 to 
whatever is bigger than your biggest queue number.

Jeff Voskamp

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