[Rt-devel] can't locate RT.pm - in 3.8-testing since beta2

Jason Long jlong at messiah.edu
Fri May 30 11:52:10 EDT 2008

sunnavy wrote:
> I just improved the way of resolving the relative lib path, which I  
> think can fix the problem you encountered.
> check it out :)

Thanks. Apache now starts successfully.

However, when I load an RT page in my browser, I get "internal server 
error", and this message in my Apache log file:

[client] Log file 'var/log/rt.log' couldn't be written or 
created.\n RT can't run. at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT.pm line 300, <DATA> 
line 276.\n, referer: http://rttest.messiah.edu/Admin/CustomFields/


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