[Rt-devel] PATCH: minor bug in Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory

Olly Stephens Olly.Stephens at arm.com
Tue Nov 18 19:12:21 EST 2008

Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory in 3.8.1 has a conditional <div> at the top
with an unconditional </div> at the bottom.  This causes the tickets to
leak out of the body on the approvals summary page because the
conditions for the div aren't true so you get too many closes.

The attached [trivial] patch resolves it.


Index: share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory
--- share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory      (revision 6360)
+++ share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory      (working copy)
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
 % if ($ShowDisplayModes or $ShowTitle) {
 <& /Widgets/TitleBoxEnd &>
 % }
 my $Transactions = new RT::Transactions($session{'CurrentUser'});
 if ($Tickets) {

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