[Rt-devel] bug in standalone server image handling

Hans Dieter Pearcey hdp.rt.devel at weftsoar.net
Mon Sep 22 13:51:44 EDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 09:45:52AM -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> The way we've taken to fixing this in newer code is to actually put the
> images into an assets or data directory and use a dhandler to serve out
> from the /images directory.  It doesn't require server changes and feels
> more portable.  Thoughts?

Jesse and I talked on irc about the dhandler approach and grumbled about how it
would mean changing all current image urls or moving all the files (so that the
dhandler had a chance to get in the middle).

I suggested that instead we subclass HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler and
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler to send image files without ever involving the Interp.
Attached is a patch to do so.  (It includes the test files from my previous

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