[Rt-devel] Making the NotifyActor config option a user preference.

Jason A. Smith smithj4 at bnl.gov
Thu Dec 3 11:54:07 EST 2009

On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 10:02 -0500, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Jason A. Smith wrote:
> > I tried adding the following code to my RT_SiteConfig.pm to see if I can
> > make the NotifyActor config option a user preference:
> Coincidentally, you may be interested in
> 59b5f56d348983efb5c6ec40fc1e2148d7fd004d
> The issue you are running into is that you need to pass the current
> user context to RT->Config->Get, otherwise it just uses the system
> setting.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks!  I tried your patch on our 3.8.6 server and it works perfectly.


|  Jason A. Smith                          Email:  smithj4 at bnl.gov |
|  Atlas Computing Facility, Bldg. 510M    Phone: +1-631-344-4226  |
|  Brookhaven National Lab, P.O. Box 5000  Fax:   +1-631-344-7616  |
|  Upton, NY 11973-5000,  U.S.A.                                   |

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