[Rt-devel] Subclause Aggregation with SearchBuilder

Jon Wood jonathan.wood at uk.clara.net
Tue Feb 17 12:27:44 EST 2009


This may be the wrong list for this, but it does seem to be relevant to

I'm trying to extract a list of Transactions on a ticket which are
either a status update, or a change to a specific customfield. Currently
I'm using this:

 my $txs =$tkt->Transactions;
 $txs->Limit(FIELD => "Type", 
             VALUE => "Status", 
             SUBCLAUSE => "status");
 $txs->Limit(FIELD => "Type", 
             VALUE => "CustomField", 
             SUBCLAUSE => "cf");

 $txs->Limit(FIELD => "ReferenceType", 
             VALUE => "RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue", 
             ENTRYAGGREGATOR => "AND", 
             SUBCLAUSE => "cf");

 $txs->Limit(FIELD => "CustomField", 
             VALUE => "4", 
             ENTRYAGGREGATOR => "AND", 
             SUBCLAUSE => "cf");

Which gives me the following SQL:

 FROM Transactions main 
 JOIN Tickets Tickets_1  ON ( Tickets_1.id = main.ObjectId ) 
 WHERE (main.Type = 'Status') 
   AND (main.Type = 'CustomField' 
        AND main.ReferenceType = 'RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue' 
        AND main.CustomField = '4') 
   AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket') 
   AND (Tickets_1.EffectiveId = '6')
 ORDER BY main.Created ASC, main.id ASC

Which is not going to work at all, since there will never be a
transaction which matches both types. I've hit a brick wall on getting
to be:

 FROM Transactions main 
 JOIN Tickets Tickets_1  ON ( Tickets_1.id = main.ObjectId ) 
 WHERE (main.Type = 'Status') 
    OR (main.Type = 'CustomField' 
        AND main.ReferenceType = 'RT::ObjectCustomFieldValue' 
        AND main.CustomField = '4') 
   AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket') 
   AND (Tickets_1.EffectiveId = '6')
 ORDER BY main.Created ASC, main.id ASC

I'm sure there must be a way to do it, but no combination of
ENTRYAGGREGATOR parameters seems to be giving me the desired result.

Could somebody point me in the right direction please?

Jon Wood

Claranet Limited
21 Southampton Row
London - WC1B 5HA
United Kingdom

+44 (0)20 7685 8643
jonathan.wood at uk.clara.net

Company registration no: 3152737
Place of registration: England

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