[Rt-devel] Obtaining additional information in $self in RT::CustomFieldValues::External

Joel Schuweiler Joel.Schuweiler at schmoozecom.com
Wed Feb 25 11:05:29 EST 2009

I'm trying to populate a custom field with data from an sql database.  What I want to do is get a list of servers and place them in the customfield for a given requestor. If no request exists I can then take a peak at the current user. The issue is however, that the RT::CustomFieldValues::External contains almost no information about the environment that this particular customfield is in, if it's a ticket, queue, or user. I'm wondering if anyone has made changes to RT in order to get more information?

I have a request into sales at bestpractical, but was hoping someone here would have been through this before. Jibsheet on irc.perl.org:#rt said I should be able to trace my way back from Elements/CustomFieldValueSelect, but I'm having a bit of trouble working my way back from there to find a point where I can add additional data into the object.

I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on this.

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