[Rt-devel] RTx question - how do you populate the inc folder?

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Jun 23 17:46:29 EDT 2009

On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Richard Siddall wrote:

> I seem to be having trouble figuring out how to create the
> inc::Module::Install using Module::Install::RTx, despite reading the
> README, POD, and the section in "RT Essentials."  I can't find  
> anything
> on using Module::Install::RTx on the wiki.

Module::Install::RTx is just a subclass of Module::Install,
which is what you probably want to find docs for.

Just run perl Makefile.PL and inc/ will be created
and populated.  If you have RTx('RTx-Foo'); in your
Makefile.PL, Module::Install::RTx will be invoked
and installed into inc


> AFAICT, none of those source say how to create or update
> inc::Module::Install.
> I've looked at the dist target in the Makefile generated by one RTx
> module's Makefile.PL, and I don't see any evidence that it's creating
> the bundled inc/ folder.  Which leads me to assume that the folder is
> created by hand.
> So, do we just copy the whole of the lib/ folders from Module::Install
> and Module::Install::RTx to our inc/ every time we release a  
> revision of
> our RTx?
> Regards,
> 	Richard Siddall
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