[Rt-devel] $Notes not provided in Rejected.pm

Hoogstraten, Ton Ton.Hoogstraten at ingram.nl
Thu Mar 12 04:21:54 EDT 2009

Is there a reason why the $Notes variable is not passed to the
GetTemplate in Rejected.pm? In Passed.pm there is:


while ( my $o = $t->Next ) {

        next unless $o->Type eq 'Correspond';

        $note .= $o->Content . "\n" if $o->ContentObj;



Would this not work for Rejected.pm? since it is left empty in the


my $template = $self->GetTemplate('Approval Rejected',

                                          TicketObj => $rejected,

                                          Approval  => $self->TicketObj,

                                          Notes     => '');




Ton hoogstraten

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