[Rt-devel] [Rt-commit] r19578 - in rt/3.8/trunk: share/html/Ticket/Attachment/WithHeaders

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Sat May 9 04:37:53 EDT 2009

On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 12:59:24AM +0400, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> Emmanuel, there is no such thing as original encoding for headers.
> Anything not ascii is illegal in the head. Even the message has been
> in some encoding then it doesn't mean that the head was in the same or
> even in one encoding.

For me, "download" with headers is a way to get the mail as close as
possible as the form it had before entering RT.

When mail enter RT, header is rfc 2047 decoded, content-type charset
header is changed as utf-8 as content of email is recorded in utf-8 in
DB, then headers are saved in DB.

Except I'm missing something, we don't record somewhere original rfc
2047 encoding of those headers, so I tried to asume it's somewhat
consistent with text content. I'm ok with you that this is not usefull,
and can be often false.

So the OriginalHeaders method can still exists I think, but only return
rfc 2047 headers with content-type header charset reverted to

Do you agree?

> I never saw "download with headers" as something
> useful for anything except some debugging. I don't mind that we make
> it consistent and readable, but let's make it in a branch with tests
> and for 3.8.4.

Ok, for a branch, but even it's a debugging function, we should try to
returns true datas ;)

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