[Rt-devel] Need help with adding Information from a e-mail to RT

Thomas Bräutigam thomas.braeutigam at nexustelecom.com
Wed Nov 18 08:07:22 EST 2009

Hey guys,

I am very new with RT and I need help. I recieve E-mails and in the Subject Line is e.g. the RT #1234 number.

Based on this number I would like that RT adds the content from the e-mail automatically to the Ticket 1234.

I did not find anything which tells me how to do that. I got the Information from one of the IT guys inhouse that this seems to be not possible. But I do not believe this guy.

Can someone help me with this. I just want to add Information from a e-mail to the RT Ticket based on the Subject line.

Cheers Thomas

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