[Rt-devel] LDAP Authentication module does not place users under "Everyone"

n.chrysandreas at albourne.com n.chrysandreas at albourne.com
Tue Nov 24 10:13:31 EST 2009

Hi everyone,

>>That is called the SelfService interface, which is where Unprivileged
>>users are directed when logging in to RT.  You may want to read in the
>>wiki about the types of users
>Thanks! Didn't know about the SelfService interface. 
>But this means that we are not able to grant unprivileged users any other rights that we would like (example : CreateOwnDashboard, >CreateSavedSearch,CreateTicket,EditSavedSearches,ReplyToTicket,SeeOwnDashboard,ShowSavedSearches etc)
>So if I got this right privileged users have the normal interface and the unprivileged users get the SelfService interface.However, >whatever right I give to 'Unprivileged' group the SelfService interface will not change. 

In order to get all users to see the normal RT interface I commented out the a few lines in /opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler
and "replaced" them with one :
#unless ( $session{'CurrentUser'}->Privileged ) {

    # if the user is trying to access a ticket, redirect them
#    if (    $m->request_comp->path =~ '^(/+)Ticket/Display.html'
#         && $ARGS{'id'} )
#    {
#        RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') ."SelfService/Display.html?id=".$ARGS{'id'});
#    }
    # otherwise, drop the user at the SelfService default page
#    elsif ( $m->base_comp->path !~ RT->Config->Get('SelfServiceRegex') ) {
#        RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL') ."SelfService/" );
#    }
    # if user is in SelfService dir let him do anything
#    else {
#        $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %ARGS);
#    }
#else {
#    $m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %ARGS);

$m->comp( { base_comp => $m->request_comp }, $m->fetch_next, %ARGS);

Now any rights I grant to the Everyone and Unprivileged groups correspond correctly on the users interface.
Is there anything else I need to watch out for concerning this changed I made or should it work fine like this (it is at the moment and I haven't noticed any strange functionality within RT).


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