[Rt-devel] Bug: Forward + GnuPG sign = illegal MIME encoding base64

Otmar Lendl ol at bofh.priv.at
Tue Oct 20 18:29:46 EDT 2009


Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for looking further into RFCs. So I think we should do the following:
> 1) in lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm don't set content transfer encoding on
> message/ parts.

Same applies to multipart/, see also 6.4 of rfc2045

   If an entity is
   of type "multipart" the Content-Transfer-Encoding is not permitted to
   have any value other than "7bit", "8bit" or "binary".  Even more
   severe restrictions apply to some subtypes of the "message" type

> 2) set content transfer encoding of a forward subparts to base64 or
> quoted-printable unless it's 7bit. we should do this only if we're
> going to sign forwarded message.

Agreed, that's the proper solution.

-=-  Otmar Lendl  --  ol at bofh.priv.at  --  http://lendl.priv.at/  -=-

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