[Rt-devel] patches for spreadsheet export

Christian Loos cloos at netsandbox.de
Thu Dec 16 12:46:27 EST 2010

Am 16.12.2010 18:00, schrieb Kevin Falcone:
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:56:35AM -0500, Kevin Falcone wrote:
>>> utf-8 didn't work on Windows XP with Excel 2003.
>> Does it work on more modern Excels?  This seems like a really odd
>> patch.  I wonder if it would even work on Macs with Numbers.
> Forgetting client issues for a minute, how would this patch work on
> actual utf8 data (such as asian languages)
OK forget about the first patch.
I will try to test utf8 on more modern excel. If this still fails maybe
it makes sense to have a config value where you can override utf8
encoding if it doesn't work for someone like me.
>>> -        header => Encode::encode_utf8(loc($col->{title} || $col->{attribute})),
>>> +        header => Encode::encode( "cp1252", loc( $col->{title} || $col->{attribute} ) ),
>> Is there a reason not to use RT's default scrubber?
html/Elements/ScrubHTML don't scrub all html tags but in this case we
have to scrub all.
>>> +<%ONCE>
>>> +my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new();
>>> +$scrubber->default(0);
>>> +$scrubber->comment(0);
>>> +</%ONCE>
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