[Rt-devel] Bulk Update doesn't support all custom field types

Loos, Christian CLoos at netcologne.de
Fri Feb 5 03:41:54 EST 2010


in share/html/Search/Bulk.html Line 193-207 there are only 
the following custom field types supported:
Select, Combobox, Freeform and Text

The types Wikitext, Image, Binary and Autocomplete are 
unsupported. If you have a search result with a ticket with one 
of the unsupported custom fields you get the following error:
Unknown CustomField type: (see Line 206)


Christian Loos
Technik, Service Delivery, Network Documentation & Fibre Management
NETCOLOGNE Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH
Am Coloneum 9 | 50829 Köln
Tel: +49-221-2222-276 | Fax: +49-221-2222-7276 

Geschäftsführer: Werner Hanf, Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Zankel
HRB 25580, AG Köln

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