[Rt-devel] How to hook into the Results.html page

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Sep 13 11:43:31 EDT 2010

On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 06:33:26PM +0200, Guadagnino Cristiano wrote:
>    Hi all,
>    I have been working on integrating the Sphinx full-text search engine in our RT.
>    I have everything in place regarding Sphinx.
>    I have written a new portlet that can be installed in the "RT at a glance" page. The portlet
>    lets us search for text and filter the results for requestor, queue, date range. The form
>    submits all search parameters to a PHP page that uses the Sphinx API to perform the actual
>    search. Performance is outstanding!
>    Presently we are returning results in a rather crude html table. What I would like to do is
>    somehow passing results to RT and using the standard Results.html page to display them (hence
>    gaining all the standard RT features like pagination and graphs).

To use CollectionList (which is the basis of Results.html) you really
need to get at an RT::Tickets object, or just build a TicketSQL query
from your PHP scrips that passes back in to RT (perhaps just a
collection of ticket ids)


>    Is it possible at all? Could someone help me implement it?
>    If this is not possible I will at least use RT's CSS to try to make it look integrated.
>    Whatever I'll come up with, I am willing to publish everything on the RT wiki so that others
>    can benefit from lightning-fast full-text searches.
>    Bye
>    Cris

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