[Rt-devel] pyQt Client

Alexander Finger af at genevainformation.ch
Sat Apr 30 13:02:46 EDT 2011

I have had a complete GUI for a contact center developed in Qooxdoo
using the REST Interface. You need to think about where you want the
users to authenticate and so on, but what you plan to do is perfectly

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Peter Morgan <pedromorgan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've installed RT for a couple of my clients and its working well (ie they
> hardly ever call me ;-)
> For a particular client, I'm developing an pyqt desktop application to
> manage some tasks. One of the wishes is the ability to open and manipulate
> tickets from the app.
> So the questions are:
> 1) is there a REST/json interface
> 2) has anyone else started working in this area
> Regards
> Pete
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