[rt-devel] Link in transaction descriptions?

Andy D'Arcy Jewell andy.jewell at sysmicro.co.uk
Thu Nov 1 04:33:35 EDT 2012

On 31/10/12 21:44, Jérôme Charaoui wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if it's feasible to add HTML links within RT transaction 
> descriptions.
> That would be useful for adding links in ticket history relationship 
> items on the web interface.
> For example :
> "Enoch, Root - Reference to ticket #1234 added"
> The "ticket #1234" could appear on the web interface as a link to the 
> actual ticket.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding (likely!) but wouldn't that just link back to 
the ticket you are viewing? Normally, you would be looking at the 
transaction history of ticket #1234 in order to see the "Enoch, Root - 
Reference to ticket #1234 added"transaction...

Andy D'Arcy Jewell

SysMicro Limited
Linux Support
E:  andy.jewell at sysmicro.co.uk
W:  www.sysmicro.co.uk

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