[rt-devel] Module::Install and RTxInitDB
Tim Cutts
tjrc at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Oct 16 20:08:29 EDT 2012
On 16 Oct 2012, at 23:59, Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com> wrote:
> On 10/16/2012 03:48 PM, Tim Cutts wrote:
>> Hi - I'm working on Ruslan's RT::Extension::RepliesToResolved extension, and I've reached the point where I'm writing some Scrips for it. I've created an etc/initialdata file, but now when I try to run perl Makefile.PL I get:
>> 23:39:54 tim at canopus:~/git/rt-extension-repliestoresolved$ perl Makefile.PL
>> Using RT configuration from /Users/tim/git/rt/lib/RT.pm:
>> ./etc => /Users/tim/git/rt/local/plugins/RT-Extension-RepliesToResolved/etc
>> ./lib => /Users/tim/git/rt/local/plugins/RT-Extension-RepliesToResolved/lib
>> The 'RTxInitDB' method does not exist in the 'inc' path!
>> Please remove the 'inc' directory and run Makefile.PL again to load it.
>> Following the instructions at the end gets me to a worse place:
>> Can't locate inc/Module/Install.pm in @INC
>> Do I need a particular updated version of Module::Install from somewhere?
> Make sure Module::Install::RTx is installed from CPAN.
> You also probably need to tell Module::Install that you're an "author"
> now for that dist and you want it to do author-y things that it won't
> normally do for end users just installing.
> mkdir -p inc/.author
> perl Makefile.PL
> should repopulate inc/.
Aha - thanks for that. Worked out I needed another Module::Install extension too... got where I needed to go now, and pushed my branches (one for a tiny patch to RT itself needed for the module to work correctly) and one for the module back up to github for Ruslan to look at -- or indeed anyone else who's interested.
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