[rt-devel] Translators needed for RT 4.2 updates

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Tue May 28 20:03:48 EDT 2013

Hello RT users and hackers,

We're hard at work on what will become RT 4.2.  Part of that process is
starting to get the translations updated, and that's where you come in.
 If you speak English and a language other than English, we'd love if
you took a bit of time to help update RT's translations for the next
major release series.

We translate RT using the Launchpad.net Rosetta translations tool, which
means you help translate RT from your browser.  You can find basic
instructions here:
http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/TranslationRosetta or just jump in:

Our message catalog tool found some errors in existing translations
around the use of placeholders, which I've split out into separate files
and attached, one for each language.  If you're contributing to a
translation, it'd be great to fix the problems noted in the appropriate

Of particular note are bi-directional text issues and placeholders (%1,
%2, etc) in the Arabic translation.  Launchpad's web translation tool
currently makes it difficult to verify that the usage of placeholders in
right-to-left text is correct.  If anyone is up for it, it may be
easiest to fix up those strings using offline translation (no more
complicated than editing a text file) and then uploading to Launchpad
with the corrected file.

Let us know if there's any way we can help with translations, and thanks
to everyone who has contributes.

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 %2 changed to %3
     got (%1, %2) in msgstr: %1 %2 تغيرت إلى 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 %2 deleted
     got () in msgstr: تم حذف 1% 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 %2 saved.
     got () in msgstr: تم حفظ1% 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 %2 with template %3
     got (%1, %2) in msgstr: %1 %2 مع القالب 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 (from pane %2)
     got (%1) in msgstr: %1 (من اللوحة 2%)

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1 changed from %2 to %3
     got (%1) in msgstr: %1 تغير من 2% إلى 3%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 chart by %2
     got (%1) in msgstr: %1 الرسم البياني بواسطة 2%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 copy
     got () in msgstr: نسخ 1%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 enabled
     got () in msgstr: تم تمكين 1%

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Invalid queue role group type %1
     got () in msgstr: نوعُ مجموعةِ أدوارِ طابورٍ غيرُ صحيحٍ

string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Modify a scrip that applies to all queues
     got (%1) in msgstr: عدّل سكربت ينطبق على كل الطوابير %1

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: weekly (on %1) at %2
     got () in msgstr: أسبوعياً (في 1%) عند 2%

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 update: Nothing changed
     got (%2) in msgstr: %2 actualitzar: Res ha canviat

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Could not create CustomField: %1
     got () in msgstr: No s'ha pogut crear el camp personalitzat

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Unable to delete topic membership in %1
     got () in msgstr: No s'ha pogut esborrar la pertinença al tema

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Couldn't delete dashboard %1: %2
     got () in msgstr: Kontrolna ploča se nije mogla obrisati

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: #%1
     got () in msgstr: msgstr

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Can't find a collection class for '%1'
     got () in msgstr: Kan geen bewaarde zoekopdracht vinden om mee te werken

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: grouped by %1
     got () in msgstr: opgedeeld in

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Custom field value changed from %1 to %2
     got (%1) in msgstr: Kentän arvo muutettu arvosta %1 arvoon

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Link ticket #%1
     got () in msgstr: Lisää viittaus

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Link ticket %1
     got () in msgstr: Lisää viittaus

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Modify the queries of dashboard %1
     got () in msgstr: Muokkaa työtilan kyselyitä

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Owner changed from %1 to %2
     got (%2) in msgstr: Yhteyshenkilöksi vaihdettu %2

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Owner forcibly changed from %1 to %2
     got (%2) in msgstr: Yhteyshenkilöksi vaihdettu %2

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 site config
     got () in msgstr: Site-Konfiguration

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: This user's %1 highest priority %2 tickets
     got (%1) in msgstr: Die %1 dringensten Anfragen dieses Benutzers

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Can not load saved search \"%1\"
     got () in msgstr: Δεν είναι δυνατό το φόρτωμα της αποθηκευμένης αναζήτησης

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Could not remove that principal as a %1 for this queue
     got () in msgstr: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η διαγραφή του εντολέα από για αυτή την ουρά

string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Couldn't load link
     got (%1) in msgstr: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η φόρτωση του συνδέσμου %1

string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Custom field is already applied to the object
     got (%1) in msgstr: Το ειδικό πεδίο %1 έχει εφαρμοστεί σε αυτό το αντικείμενο

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Stolen from %1
     got () in msgstr: Ανάκτηση

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Updated saved search \"%1\"
     got () in msgstr: Ενημέρωση αποθηκευμένης αναζήτησης

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: User could not be created: %1
     got () in msgstr: Ο χρήστης δεν έχει δημιουργηθεί

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: weekly (on %1) at %2
     got () in msgstr: εβδομαδιαίως

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 disabled
     got () in msgstr: מבוטל

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 enabled
     got () in msgstr: מופעל

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 rights
     got () in msgstr: זכויות

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Enter up to %1 values
     got () in msgstr: Adjon meg egy értéket!

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Loaded search %1
     got () in msgstr: Cím

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Member %1 added
     got () in msgstr: Tag hozzáadva

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Member %1 deleted
     got () in msgstr: Tag törölve

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Modify template %1
     got () in msgstr: Hozzon létre egy sablont!

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Can't find a collection class for '%1'
     got () in msgstr: Tidak dapat menemukan kelas koleksi untuk '%'

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Could not add new custom field value. %1 
     got () in msgstr: Tidak dapat menambah nilai kolom kustom baru 

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Your request has been approved by %1. Other approvals may still be pending.
     got () in msgstr: Permintaan anda sudah disetujui oleh. Persetujuan yang lain mungkin masih ditunda.

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Custom field not found
     got (%1) in msgstr: Campo personalizzato %1 non trovato

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: Approval #%1: %2
     got () in msgstr: 承認状況

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 core config
     got () in msgstr: Pamatkonfigurācija

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Editing membership for personal group %1
     got () in msgstr: Labot lietotājus personāla grupai

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Reminder ticket #%1
     got () in msgstr: Priminimo prašymas

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2, %3) in msgid: %1New ticket in%2 %3
     got (%1) in msgstr: <input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=Нов тикет во\" /> %1

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected () in msgid: Create a CustomField that applies to all queues
     got (%1) in msgstr: 为 %1 队列创建自定字段

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Modify the queries of dashboard %1
     got () in msgstr: 更改表单的组件
-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: %1 - Specify the action module you want to use
     got () in msgstr: Špecifikujte akú akciu modulu chcete pouťiť

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1, %2) in msgid: %1 is an address RT receives mail at. Adding it as a '%2' would create a mail loop
     got (%1) in msgstr: %1 je adresa RT na prijímanie pošty. Pridanie ako '% 2' by vytvorilo poštovú slučku

string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Modify who receives mail for ticket #%1
     got () in msgstr: Upraviť kto prijma poštu pre požiadavku

-------------- next part --------------
string does not have the same placeholders
expected (%1) in msgid: Link created (%1)
     got (%2) in msgstr: Vínculo creado (%2)

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