[rt-devel] RT-Extension-Assets, 1.0rc2

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 19 16:06:31 EST 2014

After feedback from users, and a couple minor bugfixes found in the
first release candidate, we're happy to announce the second release
candidate of our Assets extension.  Barring any further complications,
we expect an official release next week.


SHA1 sums

b941da6ed42b80100912b8d6f9fdeb52c823a67a  RT-Extension-Assets-1.0rc2.tar.gz
a4b7b24eab33e43eaadd987e7bd91e901989dfcd  RT-Extension-Assets-1.0rc2.tar.gz.asc

Changes from 1.0rc1:
 * Test fixes
 * Rendering fixes for custom fields
 * "Custom Fields" without a grouping now link to a valid CF edit page
 * Links from SelfService no longer link to non-SelfService

- Alex

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