[rt-devel] Data pulling advice

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Jun 17 15:36:08 EDT 2014

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 10:04:48AM +0100, Ashley Etherington wrote:
> Hi all looking for some advise on the best way to do the following.
> Now reporting has become an issue, Because of the slow method above if we try
> to do a report on more than 30 ticket the script takes about 5 Minutes, and any
> longer just fails.
> We tried to fix this by editing the REST interface and exposing the Ticket
> Transactions field to the comment history REST but this just resulted in even
> slower response for every other script we work with that uses the REST. (We are
> not huge perl coders but it was a one line addition to expose the field and
> then dumping it in local)

Since you don't show your code, nobody can comment.

Looping over transactions for 30 tickets takes a few seconds locally
using RT's perl API.  Changing the REST API to dump transaction CFs
sounds like much more than a one line change.

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