[rt-devel] [rt-announce] RTIR 3.0.4 Release

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Nov 24 15:17:18 EST 2014

RTIR 3.0.4 fixes several bugs in 3.0.3 and improves
documentation for users upgrading from 2.6 and using SLAs.


SHA1 sums

3971e872425402d530f1dbc1ef7745358eaacf7c  RT-IR-3.0.4.tar.gz
44f0ae615e9de1edb368989d8e8fc72e0973fc98  RT-IR-3.0.4.tar.gz.asc

* Newer versions of the module used to cache MakeClicky die on unicode strings
* 3.0.3 fixed bugs where Constituency would lose the user's selection on
  form resubmission, but this fix caused problems if you changed
  Constituency into a Select Multiple CF.  This causes other problems, but
  will now not throw an error.
* The "RT at a Glance" Rows per box setting is now respected on the RTIR
  homepage also.

* Improve the upgrading documentation to better cover how to handle the
  core SLA Custom Field from 2.6 and the global SLA Custom Field
  installed if you choose to use RT::Extension::SLA

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
    git log 3.0.3..3.0.4
or visiting
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