[rt-devel] RT 4.2.7: SQL error on ticket traffic

Brian McNally bmcnally at uw.edu
Fri Sep 26 16:50:11 EDT 2014

1. In terms of tables/sequences that are different: the problematic 
instance has this, where the functional one does not.

rt3_admin=# \d
                          List of relations
  Schema |             Name             |   Type   |     Owner
public | objectcustomfieldvalues_id_s | sequence | rt3_admin_user

2. Should all objects in the database be owned by the RT database user? 
I ask because in my functional copy most things are and a few things are 
owned by postgres whereas in my non-functional instance most things are 
owned by postgres. The owner of both databases is the RT database user.

3. In terms of indexes, the non-functional instance's database has many 
fewer indexes. For example

rt3_admin=# \di
                           List of relations
  Schema |        Name         | Type  |  Owner   |       Table
  public | articles_pkey       | index | postgres | articles
  public | cachedgroupmembers1 | index | postgres | cachedgroupmembers
  public | cachedgroupmembers2 | index | postgres | cachedgroupmembers
  public | cachedgroupmembers3 | index | postgres | cachedgroupmembers
  public | classes_pkey        | index | postgres | classes
  public | contentindex_idx    | index | postgres | attachments
  public | groupmembers1       | index | postgres | groupmembers
  public | groups1             | index | postgres | groups
  public | groups2             | index | postgres | groups
  public | groups3             | index | postgres | groups
  public | objectclasses_pkey  | index | postgres | objectclasses
  public | objectscrips1       | index | postgres | objectscrips
  public | objectscrips_pkey   | index | postgres | objectscrips
  public | objecttopics_pkey   | index | postgres | objecttopics
  public | queues1             | index | postgres | queues
  public | topics_pkey         | index | postgres | topics
  public | users1              | index | postgres | users
(17 rows)


rt_gsits=# \di
                                     List of relations
  Schema |             Name             | Type  |     Owner     | 
  public | acl1                         | index | rt_gsits_user | acl
  public | acl_pkey                     | index | rt_gsits_user | acl
  public | articles_pkey                | index | postgres      | articles
  public | attachments1                 | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | attachments2                 | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | attachments3                 | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | attachments_pkey             | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | attributes1                  | index | rt_gsits_user | attributes
  public | attributes2                  | index | rt_gsits_user | attributes
  public | attributes_pkey              | index | rt_gsits_user | attributes
  public | cachedgroupmembers1          | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | cachedgroupmembers4          | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | cachedgroupmembers_pkey      | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | classes_pkey                 | index | postgres      | classes
  public | contentindex_idx             | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | customfields_pkey            | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | customfieldvalues_pkey       | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | disgroumem                   | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | groupmembers1                | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | groupmembers_pkey            | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | groups1                      | index | rt_gsits_user | groups
  public | groups2                      | index | rt_gsits_user | groups
  public | groups3                      | index | rt_gsits_user | groups
  public | groups_pkey                  | index | rt_gsits_user | groups
  public | links1                       | index | rt_gsits_user | links
  public | links_pkey                   | index | rt_gsits_user | links
  public | objectclasses_pkey           | index | postgres      | 
  public | objectcustomfields_pkey      | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | objectcustomfieldvalues1     | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | objectcustomfieldvalues2     | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | objectscrips1                | index | postgres      | 
  public | objectscrips_pkey            | index | postgres      | 
  public | objecttopics_pkey            | index | postgres      | 
  public | principals2                  | index | rt_gsits_user | principals
  public | principals_pkey              | index | rt_gsits_user | principals
  public | queues1                      | index | rt_gsits_user | queues
  public | queues_pkey                  | index | rt_gsits_user | queues
  public | scripactions_pkey            | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | scripconditions_pkey         | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | scrips_pkey                  | index | rt_gsits_user | scrips
  public | sessions_pkey                | index | rt_gsits_user | sessions
  public | templates_pkey               | index | rt_gsits_user | templates
  public | ticketcustomfieldvalues_pkey | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | tickets1                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets2                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets3                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets6                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets7                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets8                     | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | tickets_pkey                 | index | rt_gsits_user | tickets
  public | topics_pkey                  | index | postgres      | topics
  public | transactions1                | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | transactions2                | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | transactions_pkey            | index | rt_gsits_user | 
  public | users1                       | index | rt_gsits_user | users
  public | users4                       | index | rt_gsits_user | users
  public | users_pkey                   | index | rt_gsits_user | users
(57 rows)

Both databases are running in the same postgres instance, so that should 
clarify that there isn't a difference in the actual service's 
configuration that would be causing problems.

Brian McNally
System Administrator, Genome Sciences
(206) 543-7363

On 09/26/2014 01:37 PM, Alex Vandiver wrote:
> On 09/26/2014 04:19 PM, Brian McNally wrote:
>> Note that the statement works fine for me on one RT 4.2.7 instance and
>> fails on the other. The difference in configuration is the original
>> database I was migrating from (a 3.6.6 RT instance). The DB upgrade
>> process for both was similar without any critical errors.
> As the SQL statement runs successfully in one place, and not in the
> other, I'm asking you to compare:
>   1. Database schemas for the two instances
>   2. Postgres configurations for the two instances
> Note that this appears to be a failure of "GROUP BY id" to properly note
> that id is a unique index, and as such is sufficient -- rather than
> having to list all columns.  The logic to support this was originally
> introduced in PostgreSQL 9.1, and DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.66 now takes
> advantage of it if possible.  If that "GROUP BY" doesn't work for you,
> it implies that:
>    1. You Scrips table somehow doesn't have "id" as a unique index
>    2. You're not actually running PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher (check client
> vs server libraries?)
>    3. Your PostgreSQL has somehow disabled this optimization
> That is what I mean by "check your postgres configuration."
>   - Alex

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