[rt-devel] hiding user list

Trevor Cordes trevor at tecnopolis.ca
Fri Feb 27 18:50:20 EST 2015

Is it possible to get a small new feature added in a future version?
We want to hide the user list from non-staff at minimum, or from
everyone (easier).  That means the user search and the user
auto-fill-in dropdown need tweaking.

Our setup we use logged-in users for all end users, and use
groups/perms to differentiate our staff from end users.  We don't want
end users to be able to see/search any users on the system for privacy
reasons.  Maybe some other rt4 users who think about this situation
will not like the privacy implications of it either, even on a more
standard setup.

It would be ideal if there was a new permission, like: searchusers or
viewusers or whatever.

Thanks for listening!

Right now I just hack the source to disable user searching wherever I
could find it:

vi /opt/rt4/share/html/Helpers/Autocomplete/Users

fields $m->abort unless $CurrentUser->Privileged

*** to ***


vi /opt/rt4/share/html/User/Search.html

<& /Elements/GotoUser, Default => $UserString||'' &>

<p> <&|/l&>This will search for users by looking in the following
fields:</&> <% $search_fields %></p>

*** to ***

%# <& /Elements/GotoUser, Default => $UserString||'' &>

%# <p> <&|/l&>This will search for users by looking in the following
fields:</&> <% $search_fields %></p>

% if ($UserString) {

*** to ***

% if (1) {
<p><&|/l&>Permission denied.</&></p>
% } elsif ($UserString) {

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