[rt-devel] Different Calendar widgets on 'RT at a glance'

ARBEZ Christophe christophe.arbez at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 05:15:31 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I installed RTx::Calendar (
http://search.cpan.org/dist/RTx-Calendar/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm ) and after
some research, I wonder if it is possible to have different widgets of a
Calendar, displayed on RT at a glance.
Currently RT just allows me to have one Calendar with my own dates and
tickets ( with an other user his own tickets etc.)

I would like, for example, one Calendar which displays created tickets,
opened tickets or tickets for one specific user...
But after I specify what I want in the Query builder, it is not possible to
save many different Calendars...

 Nevertheless, I think I installed the most recent version of RTx::Calendar
and there should be a way...


*Christophe ARBEZ | Stagiaire développement*
803 rue de Pinville - 34000 Montpellier
Tél: +33983014518
Email: christophe.arbez at syloe.fr
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