[rt-devel] kanben view in RT 4.2.12

Jim Brandt jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Fri Feb 26 10:35:45 EST 2016

On 2/25/16 9:24 PM, Joachim Schiele wrote:
> On 25.02.2016 23:29, Joachim Schiele wrote:
>>>> - where in the RT code would be the best place to add the WEBSOCKET REST
>>>> extension (into the routing) + it needs an main loop waiting for
>>>> 'ticket'-table changes
>>> You’ll probably want to use Plack::App::WebSocket with an event-based PSGI server (probably Twiggy). RT is typically deployed with FastCGI or similar, so you have your work cut out for you there. :) You’ll either want to have good documentation around switching an RT deployment from FastCGI to Twiggy, or have your users deploy a standalone Twiggy server alongside their RT http server.
>> hm. this leaves me with three more questions:
>> - could you please point out what i need to do in order to use twiggy
>> instead of 'the usual' deployment method?
> right now i call the server like this:
> plackup /tmp/rt4/opt/rt4/sbin/standalone_httpd --port 8080
> Twiggy: Accepting connections at
> ...
> so this is probably answered now. can i run the server like this in
> production?
The standalone server only runs one process so you'll likely have 
performance issues running that way in production, depending on the size 
of production and number of users.
> i had a lengthily discussion about this on irc#perl:
> (23:56) <       mst> well, you could run the two side by side
> (23:56) <       mst> you should be running two daemons anyway
> (23:56) <       mst> you don't want your websocket handler in the same
> process as the main RT code
> as well as:
> (23:58) <     hobbs> yeah. Even if you switch the server, RT will do all
> kinds of things that will jam up the loop and make your websockets useless
> (23:58) <     hobbs> or at least perform very badly
> any comment on using 'plack' instead of 'psgi'/'fcgi' with websockets
> implemented like shown in Plack::App::WebSocket?
>> regarding WS:
>> i've been playing with Plack::App::WebSocket a lot. mainly with this
>> example:
>> https://github.com/motemen/Plack-Middleware-WebSocket/blob/master/eg/echo/app.psgi
>> and i'm currently having trouble with two things:
>> - how to extend the example to do a mysql query every second and then
>> send data to all clients (i extended the example so every incoming
>> string is sent to _all_ clients already)?
>>    something like this:
>>      my $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => 3, cb => sub { foo });
>>    but without this:
>>      AnyEvent::Loop::run;
>>    the timer will never be executed. and if i start the loop with the
>> above code the webserver won't be spinning.
>> - looking into the rt-extension-rest2 i wonder how to put the above
>> example code into
>> https://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-rest2/blob/943d8f69ef8e1a0e6d6615fc4f92df0d3fde3cf2/lib/RTx/REST.pm
> got that working, too. was actually pretty simple:
> i just had to add a mount "/websocket" like this:
> # Called by RT::Interface::Web::Handler->PSGIApp
> sub PSGIWrap {
> print STDERR "REST2.pm: qknight was here: sub PSGIWrap", "\n\n";
>      my ($class, $app) = @_;
>      return builder {
>          mount $REST_PATH => $class->to_app;
>          mount '/' => $app;
>          mount "/websocket" => Plack::App::WebSocket->new(
>                      on_error => sub {
>                          my $env = shift;
>          print STDERR "plack_app_websocket.psgi: qknight was here:
> /websocket on_error", "\n\n";
>                          return [500,
>                                  ["Content-Type" => "text/plain"],
>                                  ["Error: " .
> $env->{"plack.app.websocket.error"}]];
>                      },
>                      on_establish => sub {
>          print STDERR "plack_app_websocket.psgi: qknight was here:
> /on_established", "\n\n";
>                          my $conn = shift; ##
> Plack::App::WebSocket::Connection object
>                          my $env = shift;  ## PSGI env
>                          push(@WSConnections, $conn);
>                          $conn->on(
>                              message => sub {
>                                  my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
>          print STDERR "plack_app_websocket.psgi: qknight was here:
> message: $msg", "\n\n";
>                                  foreach (@WSConnections) {
>                                    $_->send($msg);
>                                  }
>                              },
>                              finish => sub {
>                                  # most epic remove function ever OMFG
> (qknight)
>                                  my @l;
>                                  foreach(@WSConnections) {
>                                    if ($_ != $conn) {
>                                      push(@l, $_)
>                                    }
>                                  }
>                                  @WSConnections = @l;
>                                  undef $conn;
>                                  warn "Bye!!\n";
>                              },
>                          );
>                      }
>                  )->to_app;
>      };
> }
> since my @WSConnections; is a global object i can now send messages to
> all attached clients **yay**!
> with using a singleton, like shown here:
>   http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Class-Singleton-1.03/Singleton.pm#DERIVING_SINGLETON_CLASSES
> i should be able to create a perl based WSClass which can be used from
> all the RT-codebase as:
> - Instrumenting RT::Record::Create and
> - RT::Record::_Set generally, or
> - RT::Ticket::Create and
> - RT::Ticket::_Set specifically
> as you pointed out in order to circumvent the MySQL-only solution.
Another thing to think about is that RT has a concept of transactions 
itself outside of the DB. All ticket updates are made in the context of 
a transaction and for RT to function properly changes need to run 
through that. So for updates from the client -> server, you need to make 
sure transactions run so things like scrips work.

Transactions might also help for the server -> client updates. You could 
tap into the transaction process (maybe even with a scrip?) to send out 
all transactions on the websocket. The client code can then be smart 
enough to inspect all incoming transactions and update the internal 
view/model if the change applies to a ticket that view is managing. (If 
you have different views based on queue or kanban board, some 
transactions may not be applicable.)

Not sure if this helps or not, just something to consider.
>>>> - how to make this a general solution: instead of binding this feature
>>>> to MYSQL we could also extend the ticket API with various callbacks on:
>>>> - add/remove/update ticket functionality
>>> Instrumenting RT::Record::Create and RT::Record::_Set generally, or RT::Ticket::Create and RT::Ticket::_Set specifically, should get you most of the way there.
>> that is very good information! but i would have to 'modify' the RT-Core
>> as this can't be done from an extension, right?
Yes, extensions can "modify" RT code by overlaying it. If an extension 
provides it's own version of an RT file at the same path inside 
local/pluging/RT-Extension... then RT will use the extension's version 
of the file. You can use this to change just individual subroutines in 
perl code or overlay the whole file.

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