[rt-users] [rt users] errors on new install

Dale Wilhelm dwilhelm at myprimetime.com
Wed Aug 9 17:54:57 EDT 2000

i am getting the following error when I am trying to create a new queue on
a new install

bash-2.03# ./rtadmin queue -create rt
Mysql->connect(database=!!RT_MYSQL_DATABASE!!;host=!!RT_MYSQL_HOST!!) failed: Unknown
MySQL Server Host '!!RT_MYSQL_HOST!!' (22) at
/usr/local/rt/lib/rt/database.pm line 19
[connectdb] Database connect failed: Unknown MySQL Server Host
'!!RT_MYSQL_HOST!!' (22)

this is running on Solaris 7-x86...

dale ryon wilhelm
senior unix system administrator

UNIX 'IS' user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are...

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