[rt-users] Suggestions for 1.0.6

Paul Lussier pll at mclinux.com
Tue Dec 5 09:27:32 EST 2000

In a message dated: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 16:47:40 EST
Jeff Squyres said:

>For example, say I'm a member of a list and I get an e-mail with
>a new request.  I reply right away, and put in it:
>"Hi user, here's the solution to your problem.... yadda, yadda, yadda.
>%RT user myusername
>%RT pass mypassword
>%RT take number
>%RT resolve number"

Quick question about these commands, are these placed in a special header like 
the old req system used to with an X-Request-do: header, or in the body of the 
e-mail itself?

	   I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

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