[rt-users] Notification of new ticket

Michael Hottinger m.hottinger at zi.unizh.ch
Wed Dec 20 02:32:42 EST 2000

Hi all...

>I would like this as well.  I'm not looking for every transaction to email
>the queue owner or queue group, but at least an email that said there is a
>new ticket, and the details should be easy enough to include in there.  If
>it's not already done, I could do it, but I'd rather now repeat work.

I found something about this problem in the archive of this list and
implemented something for our Installation at the University of Zurich.
My code will send an email (template = create_noowner) to a sendmail
alias called "primQUEUENAME", if the ticket has no owner, which none of
the new tickets will have, unless it's created by a supporter in the
web or commandline interface.

So I can set for each queue which supporters will get a notification
of a new ticket. We are about thirty supporters, but most of them
are specialists and are only working on tickets given to them by
our primary support staff. But still most of the tickets are in the
same queue and every supporter may follow the transaction history
and add some useful comments...

First I made a change in lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm. You will find the
first four lines in the code and will have to include the following lines.

     if( $in_owner ) {
                            "","", "$serial_num" ,"$transaction_num",
                            "$in_subject", "$in_current_user",'');

     } else {
                          "prim" . "$in_queue_id","","",
                          "$serial_num", "$transaction_num",
                          "$in_subject", "$in_current_user",'');

Second I made a template called create_noowner in lib/generic_templates
like this (for us in german...):

%trans:text_time%: There is a new request.

  Transaction: %trans:text%

        Queue: %req:queue_id%
         Area: %req:area%
      Subject: %req:subject%
        Owner: %req:owner%
   Requestors: %req:requestors%
       Status: %req:status%

There is a new ticket %serial_num% Please take it, give it to
somebody or hope that anybody else will do it...

URL: http://link.to.rtinstallation/rt/webrt.cgi


Third I made a sendmail alias called "prim"+QueueName for each queue like

primpcsupport: bill, ...
primmacsupport: steve, ...

That's it...

Greetings from Zurich, Switzerland


PS: Our queues are configured to
         Owner: Send email notification of each transaction
         Requestor: Send an autoreply on request creation

Michael Hottinger                                 m.hottinger at zi.unizh.ch
Universitaet Zuerich                                Phone: +41 1 63 54515
Zentrum Informatikdienste                             Fax: +41 1 63 54505
Winterthurerstr.190, CH-8057 Zuerich

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