[rt-users] Web Interface Doesn't Work

Jesse jesse at pallas.eruditorum.org
Tue Mar 14 00:12:13 EST 2000

On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 09:08:22PM -0800, Barnett Hsu wrote:
> Well, in my case, this turns out to be what was wrong.
> The partitions were local partitions, not NFS.  However,
> it turns out the partition where the scripts were at
> was mounted with the nosuid option.  (oops...)
That could certainly do it :)
> After my boss remounted the partition without the nosuid
> option and I ran "make fixperms" to get rid of the
> permission changes I made trying to fix the problem,
> RT works perfectly.  We've now switched from the
> software we were previously using over to RT.

Cool! wIncidentally, what were you using before?
> Thanks all for the help.
> ---
> Barnett Hsu                Voicemail:  (714) 989-3100 x 1461
> E-mail:  hsub at softhome.net       Web:  http://bhworld.cjb.net/
> PGP Public Key at http://ucrbhsu.tripod.com/bio/pgp.html
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jesse reed vincent -- jrvincent at wesleyan.edu -- jesse at fsck.com 
pgp keyprint:  50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
...realized that the entire structure of the net could be changed to be made 
more efficient, elegant, and spontaneously make more money for everyone 
involved. It's a marvelously simple diagram, but this form doesn't have a way 
for me to draw it.  It'll wait. 				-Adam Hirsch

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